Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I had to paint a landscape for my painting class, this is what I did. Its a view from my dad's farm...of the neighboring farm. I gave it to my mom for a mother's day present.  Posted by Picasa

Self Portrait

I made some changes to my self portrait that is shown quite a few images below. This is the finished version. And I of course love it, and it's hanging in my livingroom.  Posted by Picasa

Thursday, May 04, 2006

Sid in the blankets


Self portrait........ I really don't like doing them of myself......they were all done for different classes.

Self Portrait

calf unfinished


Christmas cards

thank you


horse...in the distance


Monday, May 01, 2006

Keiki, a fellow basenji owner requested this portrait to be done of her pup, and needless to say she loved it!

Basenji puppy escape artist

Brindle Basenji pupp stare